Held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) serves as the global agency for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM). As non-governmental organization (NGO) in relation with the World Health Organization (WHO), as an international umbrella organization of PRM physician, and as a catalyst for international PRM research, ISPRM has a humanitarian or civil societal, a professional, and a scientific mandate.
ISPRM thus aims to “continuously improve PRM practice and facilitate PRM input in international health organizations with the goal to contribute to optimal functioning and quality of life of people experiencing disability”.
ISPRM 2016’s scientific programme consisted of a wide variety of topics including advance technology and solving capacity issues, sessions were given by some of the top experts on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine with an emphasis on workshops, hands on demonstrations and opportunities to meet the experts.